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-20% Récupérateur à eau mural 300 litres (Anthracite)
79 € 99 €
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Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 1 Oct - 18:56
Salut à tous, je ne sais pas si vous avez le meme souci que moi mais mes unités collatz ne sont pas envoyées (meme souci avec universe) il me met "envoi en attente : retrait de projet"
une idée d'où ça vient?
Nombre de messages : 323
Age : 60
Localisation : La Ville Dieu du Temple (82)
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2017

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 1 Oct - 19:05
Est-ce que tu utilises BAM ou SAM pour gérer tes ordis ?
ça pourrait venir du fait qu'avec un gestionnaire de compte, tu as supprimé un projet sur un (ou plusieurs) ordi(s).
Si ça ne vient pas de là, tu peux essayer de supprimer le projet (tu vas perdre les tâches en cours) puis de le rajouter... et voir lors du prochain renvoi si ça fonctionne.
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 1 Oct - 19:17
oui j'utilise bam
je vais essayer de faire ce que tu m'as dit.
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 1 Oct - 19:24
Je les ai supprimé tous les deux, Collatz et universe... et impossible de les ajouter à nouveau.
Nombre de messages : 323
Age : 60
Localisation : La Ville Dieu du Temple (82)
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2017

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 1 Oct - 21:02
N'as-tu pas le problème dont tout le monde parle sur le forum de l'AF, à propos des certificats...
Voir ce thread (qui concerne plusieurs projets, sous Windows) ?
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Sam 2 Oct - 10:06
effectivement je me demande si cest pas ca... faut que je regarde ca... merci
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Sam 2 Oct - 10:24
bon deja c'est mieux, j'arrive pas à communiquer avec le projet collatz et universe pour l'instant, (différée), mais pour le reste ca à l'air revenu à la
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Sam 2 Oct - 12:05
universe du coup a bien refonctionné... par contre collatz me met requete en attente...
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 8 Oct - 21:51
Je vous ai pas dit mais c'est tout rentré dans l'ordre.
par contre je me pose une question peut être bête... j'ai un portable qui tourne au boulot en plus du mien perso chez moi (pas tout le temps bien sur), c'est con mais j'ai l'impression que je fais des scores moins importants... du coup je me demandais, quand on fait tourner deux ordis, y a t'il un paramètre à régler? ou quelque chose dans le genre?
Nombre de messages : 323
Age : 60
Localisation : La Ville Dieu du Temple (82)
Date d'inscription : 24/04/2017

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 8 Oct - 22:20
Chouette que tout fonctionne à nouveau, pour toi ! Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 286592
Chaque ordi calcule indépendament avec ses capacités (un ordi plus faible ne fait pas baisser le score d'un ordi plus costaud) !
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 8 Oct - 23:20
ah merci de ta réponse!! et bon week end (ensoleillé)
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 13:56
alors aujourd'hui il me fait un truc zarb'

Collatz Sieve 1.30 (opencl_nvidia_gpu)
pas de processeur graphique, Calcul en pause
10/11/2021 22:27:51
Date limite d'envoi
24/11/2021 22:27:49
0.991 CPUs + NVIDIA GPU (missing)
Taille de tâche estimée
417 339 904 GFLOPs
Temps de calcul
Temps processeur depuis le point de sauvegarde
Temps écoulé
Temps restant estimé
Portion effectuée
Taille de la mémoire virtuelle
192,98 MB
Espace mémoire alloué
83,85 MB
Taux de progression
4,104% par minute
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 14:07
d'ailleurs je remarque ca avec collatz, mais il me marque la meme chose sur Einstein...
J'ai mis à jour les drivers, et la carte graphique fonctionne normalement j'ai pu lancer un jeu video...
Je seche.
Nombre de messages : 500
Age : 70
Localisation : Rueil Malmaison
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 14:11
J'avais eu ce truc une fois J'avais suspendu sans m'en rendre compte l'utilisation du processeur graphique dans le boinc Manager ...
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 14:32
je vérifierais ce soir, effectivement c'est le truc con. bon j'ai éteins mon ordi principal de toute façon, je vais tester ce soir et je verrais si j'ajoute SRBase.
Nombre de messages : 500
Age : 70
Localisation : Rueil Malmaison
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 15:11
On compte sur toi Gillou sur SRB on a l'occasion de remporter un sprint FB ce serait une grande première avec 25 points FB à la clé. Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 286592 Occitan Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 502101
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 17:20
je verifie et je l'installe ce soir, enfin s'il accepte de nouveaux comptes
Nombre de messages : 500
Age : 70
Localisation : Rueil Malmaison
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 18:10
Faut créer ton compte sur internet par ici: https://srbase.my-firewall.org/sr5/

Le code d’invitation à utiliser pour créer le code depuis internet : pillepalle

Et ensuite tu te connectes compte existant avec le Boinc Manager comme d'habitude.
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 20:12
Merci mon ami ça a marché... faut que je le configure en GPU. en esperant que mon souci soit réglé, j'ai regardé les preferences, rien à l'air de déconner...
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 20:20
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | cc_config.xml not found - using defaults
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | Starting BOINC client version 7.16.20 for windows_x86_64
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | Libraries: libcurl/7.47.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2s zlib/1.2.8
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | Running as a daemon (GPU computing disabled)
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | Data directory: D:\Programs\BOINC\data
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | Running under account boinc_master
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | No usable GPUs found
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | Amicable Numbers | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | collatz | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | collatz | Missing coprocessor for task collatz_sieve_e0770869-3de8-4e62-b55f-fc7a34729998_0
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | collatz | Missing coprocessor for task collatz_sieve_3acd1004-5203-4204-930c-ceb538cf75de_0
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | collatz | Missing coprocessor for task collatz_sieve_2ab147a6-db07-45b9-83cb-f6fecb8e84b6_1
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | collatz | Missing coprocessor for task collatz_sieve_e8dcd5d1-4180-4b59-af00-5f595eefe65f_0
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | collatz | Missing coprocessor for task collatz_sieve_96a28ec5-3377-41fb-b63a-4a79173ef977_2
12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA

J'ai regardé pour voir ce qu'il me mettait à 13H
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 20:50
12/11/2021 20:25:52 | | cc_config.xml not found - using defaults
12/11/2021 20:25:53 | | Starting BOINC client version 7.16.20 for windows_x86_64
12/11/2021 20:25:53 | | log flags: file_xfer, sched_ops, task
12/11/2021 20:25:53 | | Libraries: libcurl/7.47.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2s zlib/1.2.8
12/11/2021 20:25:53 | | Running as a daemon (GPU computing disabled)
12/11/2021 20:25:53 | | Data directory: D:\Programs\BOINC\data
12/11/2021 20:25:53 | | Running under account boinc_master
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | No usable GPUs found
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | Amicable Numbers | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | collatz | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | Einstein@Home | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | Einstein@Home | Missing coprocessor for task h1_0327.80_O3aC01Cl1In0__O3AS1_328.00Hz_13793_1
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | Einstein@Home | Missing coprocessor for task h1_0327.80_O3aC01Cl1In0__O3AS1_328.00Hz_13783_1
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | Milkyway@Home | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | minecrafthome | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | app version refers to missing GPU type NVIDIA
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | NumberFields@home | Application uses missing NVIDIA GPU
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Windows processor group 0: 4 processors
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Host name: gillou-PC
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Processor: 4 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz [Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3]
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Processor features: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss htt tm pni ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 movebe popcnt aes f16c rdrandsyscall nx lm avx avx2 vmx tm2 pbe fsgsbase bmi1 smep bmi2
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | OS: Microsoft Windows 10: Core x64 Edition, (10.00.19042.00)
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Memory: 15.95 GB physical, 19.85 GB virtual
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Disk: 931.51 GB total, 240.33 GB free
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Local time is UTC +1 hours
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | No WSL found.
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | VirtualBox version: 6.0.14
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | General prefs: from http://bam.boincstats.com/ (last modified 16-Jul-2020 12:23:51)
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Host location: none
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | General prefs: using your defaults
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Reading preferences override file
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | Preferences:
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | max memory usage when active: 9796.77 MB
12/11/2021 20:25:54 | | max memory usage when idle: 14695.15 MB
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | max disk usage: 100.00 GB
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | don't use GPU while active
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 75%
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | max download rate: 204800 bytes/sec
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | max upload rate: 204800 bytes/sec
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | Setting up project and slot directories
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | Checking active tasks
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | Using account manager BOINCstatsBAM!
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Amicable Numbers | URL https://sech.me/boinc/Amicable/; Computer ID 157802; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | collatz | URL https://boinc.thesonntags.com/collatz/; Computer ID 134442; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | collatz | Not using CPU: project preferences
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | URL http://einstein.phys.uwm.edu/; Computer ID 12818883; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | GoofyxGrid@Home NCI | URL http://nci.goofyxgridathome.net/; Computer ID 215004; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | ibercivis | URL https://boinc.ibercivis.es/ibercivis/; Computer ID 4710; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | latinsquares | URL https://boinc.multi-pool.info/latinsquares/; Computer ID 111734; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Milkyway@Home | URL http://milkyway.cs.rpi.edu/milkyway/; Computer ID 542420; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | minecrafthome | URL https://minecraftathome.com/minecrafthome/; Computer ID 16781; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | NFS@Home | URL http://escatter11.fullerton.edu/nfs/; Computer ID 7173428; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | NumberFields@home | URL http://numberfields.asu.edu/NumberFields/; Computer ID 2455585; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | odlk | URL https://boinc.progger.info/odlk/; Computer ID 17512; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | PrimeGrid | URL http://www.primegrid.com/; Computer ID 1012011; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Rosetta@home | URL https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/; Computer ID 1651616; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | SETI@home | URL http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/; Computer ID 7119081; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | SETI@home Beta Test | URL http://setiweb.ssl.berkeley.edu/beta/; Computer ID 68104; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | SiDock@home | URL https://www.sidock.si/sidock/; Computer ID 23909; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | SRBase | URL http://srbase.my-firewall.org/sr5/; Computer ID 216798; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | SRBase | Not using CPU: project preferences
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | TN-Grid Platform | URL http://gene.disi.unitn.it/test/; Computer ID 66809; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Universe@Home | URL https://universeathome.pl/universe/; Computer ID 560935; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | World Community Grid | URL http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/; Computer ID 2518178; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | WUProp@Home | URL http://wuprop.boinc-af.org/; Computer ID 160520; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | yoyo@home | URL http://www.rechenkraft.net/yoyo/; Computer ID 101781; resource share 100
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | Setting up GUI RPC socket
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | | Checking presence of 315 project files
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | collatz | File projects/boinc.thesonntags.com_collatz/collatz_sieve_1.30_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_gpu.exe not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | collatz | File projects/boinc.thesonntags.com_collatz/collatz_sieve_1.30_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_gpu.config not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/einstein_O3AS_1.01_windows_x86_64__GW-opencl-nvidia.exe not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/earth00-19-DE405.dat not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/sun00-19-DE405.dat not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/O3AS1_SegmentList_120h.seg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/skygrid_330Hz_m0.002.dat not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/h1_0327.80_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/l1_0327.80_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/h1_0328.00_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/l1_0328.00_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/h1_0328.20_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/l1_0328.20_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/h1_0328.40_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/l1_0328.40_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/h1_0328.60_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/l1_0328.60_O3aC01Cl1In0 not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/einstein_icon.png not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Android.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Arecibo_full.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Arecibo_platform.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Fermi_grsky.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Fermi_satellite.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/GW_BBH1.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/GW_BBH2.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LIGO_Hanford.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LIGO_Livingston.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LIGO_laser.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LIGO_optics.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LIGO_schematic.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LIGO_seisisol.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/LIGO_vacuum.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Parkes_full.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Pulsars_J2007.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Pulsars_Manhattan.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Pulsars_crab_opt.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Pulsars_crab_xr.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Pulsars_schem1.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Pulsars_schem2.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:07 | Einstein@Home | File projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Pulsars_vela.jpg not found
12/11/2021 20:26:09 | GoofyxGrid@Home NCI | Fetching scheduler list
12/11/2021 20:26:09 | collatz | Started download of collatz_sieve_1.30_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_gpu.exe
12/11/2021 20:26:09 | collatz | Started download of collatz_sieve_1.30_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_gpu.config
12/11/2021 20:26:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of einstein_O3AS_1.01_windows_x86_64__GW-opencl-nvidia.exe
12/11/2021 20:26:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of earth00-19-DE405.dat
12/11/2021 20:26:12 | GoofyxGrid@Home NCI | [error] No scheduler URLs found in master file
12/11/2021 20:26:14 | collatz | Finished download of collatz_sieve_1.30_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_gpu.config
12/11/2021 20:26:18 | ibercivis | Fetching scheduler list
12/11/2021 20:26:22 | collatz | Finished download of collatz_sieve_1.30_windows_x86_64__opencl_nvidia_gpu.exe
12/11/2021 20:26:42 | | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
12/11/2021 20:26:44 | | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
12/11/2021 20:26:45 | SETI@home Beta Test | Fetching scheduler list
12/11/2021 20:26:50 | | Project communication failed: attempting access to reference site
12/11/2021 20:26:51 | | Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down.
12/11/2021 20:26:59 | | Suspending computation - CPU is busy
12/11/2021 20:27:30 | | Resuming computation
12/11/2021 20:27:46 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of earth00-19-DE405.dat
12/11/2021 20:27:46 | Einstein@Home | Started download of sun00-19-DE405.dat
12/11/2021 20:27:57 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of sun00-19-DE405.dat
12/11/2021 20:27:57 | Einstein@Home | Started download of O3AS1_SegmentList_120h.seg
12/11/2021 20:27:58 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of O3AS1_SegmentList_120h.seg
12/11/2021 20:27:58 | Einstein@Home | Started download of skygrid_330Hz_m0.002.dat
12/11/2021 20:30:04 | Einstein@Home | Started download of h1_0327.80_O3aC01Cl1In0
12/11/2021 20:30:05 | Einstein@Home | Started download of l1_0327.80_O3aC01Cl1In0
12/11/2021 20:30:06 | Einstein@Home | Started download of h1_0328.00_O3aC01Cl1In0
12/11/2021 20:30:07 | Einstein@Home | Started download of l1_0328.00_O3aC01Cl1In0
12/11/2021 20:30:08 | Einstein@Home | Started download of l1_0328.40_O3aC01Cl1In0
12/11/2021 20:30:08 | Einstein@Home | Started download of h1_0328.60_O3aC01Cl1In0
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Android.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Arecibo_full.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Arecibo_platform.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Fermi_grsky.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Fermi_satellite.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of GW_BBH1.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of GW_BBH2.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of LIGO_Hanford.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of LIGO_Livingston.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of LIGO_laser.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of LIGO_optics.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of LIGO_schematic.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of LIGO_seisisol.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of LIGO_vacuum.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Parkes_full.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Pulsars_J2007.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Pulsars_Manhattan.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Pulsars_crab_opt.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Pulsars_crab_xr.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Pulsars_schem1.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Pulsars_schem2.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:09 | Einstein@Home | Started download of Pulsars_vela.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:11 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of GW_BBH1.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:11 | WUProp@Home | Computation for task data_collect_v4_1636503901_20122_1 finished
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Android.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of GW_BBH2.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of LIGO_Hanford.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of LIGO_Livingston.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of LIGO_laser.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of LIGO_optics.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of LIGO_schematic.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of LIGO_seisisol.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of LIGO_vacuum.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:12 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Parkes_full.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:13 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Pulsars_J2007.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:13 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Pulsars_Manhattan.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:13 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Pulsars_crab_opt.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:13 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Pulsars_crab_xr.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:13 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Pulsars_schem1.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:13 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Pulsars_schem2.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:13 | Einstein@Home | Finished download of Pulsars_vela.jpg
12/11/2021 20:30:13 | WUProp@Home | Started upload of data_collect_v4_1636503901_20122_1_0
12/11/2021 20:30:15 | WUProp@Home | Finished upload of data_collect_v4_1636503901_20122_1_0
12/11/2021 20:30:17 | WUProp@Home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
12/11/2021 20:30:17 | WUProp@Home | Reporting 1 completed tasks
12/11/2021 20:30:17 | WUProp@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
12/11/2021 20:30:18 | WUProp@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks
12/11/2021 20:30:18 | WUProp@Home | Project requested delay of 7 seconds
12/11/2021 20:30:20 | WUProp@Home | Started download of data_collect_v4_1636503901_37758
12/11/2021 20:30:21 | WUProp@Home | Finished download of data_collect_v4_1636503901_37758
12/11/2021 20:30:21 | WUProp@Home | Starting task data_collect_v4_1636503901_37758_0
12/11/2021 20:30:32 | collatz | update requested by user
12/11/2021 20:30:33 | collatz | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
12/11/2021 20:30:33 | collatz | Not requesting tasks: don't need ()
12/11/2021 20:30:34 | collatz | Scheduler request completed
12/11/2021 20:30:34 | collatz | Project requested delay of 121 seconds
12/11/2021 20:30:45 | SRBase | update requested by user
12/11/2021 20:30:45 | SRBase | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
12/11/2021 20:30:45 | SRBase | Not requesting tasks: don't need ()
12/11/2021 20:30:47 | SRBase | Scheduler request completed
12/11/2021 20:30:47 | SRBase | Project is temporarily shut down for maintenance
12/11/2021 20:30:47 | SRBase | Project requested delay of 60 seconds
12/11/2021 20:30:59 | | Running CPU benchmarks
12/11/2021 20:31:00 | | Suspending computation - CPU benchmarks in progress
12/11/2021 20:31:31 | | Benchmark results:
12/11/2021 20:31:31 | | Number of CPUs: 4
12/11/2021 20:31:31 | | 4427 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
12/11/2021 20:31:31 | | 16520 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
12/11/2021 20:31:32 | | Resuming computation
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | General prefs: from http://bam.boincstats.com/ (last modified 16-Jul-2020 12:23:51)
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | Host location: none
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | General prefs: using your defaults
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | Reading preferences override file
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | Preferences:
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | max memory usage when active: 9796.77 MB
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | max memory usage when idle: 14695.15 MB
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | max disk usage: 100.00 GB
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | don't use GPU while active
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | suspend work if non-BOINC CPU load exceeds 75%
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | max download rate: 204800 bytes/sec
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | max upload rate: 204800 bytes/sec
12/11/2021 20:32:28 | | (to change preferences, visit a project web site or select Preferences in the Manager)
12/11/2021 20:36:06 | collatz | update requested by user
12/11/2021 20:36:11 | collatz | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
12/11/2021 20:36:11 | collatz | Not requesting tasks: don't need ()
12/11/2021 20:36:12 | collatz | Scheduler request completed
12/11/2021 20:36:12 | collatz | Project requested delay of 121 seconds
12/11/2021 20:37:24 | SRBase | update requested by user
12/11/2021 20:37:28 | SRBase | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
12/11/2021 20:37:28 | SRBase | Not requesting tasks: don't need ()
12/11/2021 20:37:29 | SRBase | Scheduler request completed
12/11/2021 20:37:29 | SRBase | Project requested delay of 7 seconds
12/11/2021 20:40:25 | collatz | update requested by user
12/11/2021 20:40:26 | collatz | Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
12/11/2021 20:40:26 | collatz | Not requesting tasks: don't need ()
12/11/2021 20:40:27 | collatz | Scheduler request completed
12/11/2021 20:40:27 | collatz | Project requested delay of 121 seconds
apres reinstallation de boinc
Nombre de messages : 500
Age : 70
Localisation : Rueil Malmaison
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 22:51
J'ai l'impression que ce lien parle de ton problème https://boinc.berkeley.edu/dev/forum_thread.php?id=13350

Avec ce qui suis

>> The key was to edit coproc_info.xml file. In my case I have doubled entry. It is very important to make the coproc_info read only, because BOINC Manager will modify it during a start. Thanks once again!
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Ven 12 Nov - 23:23
merci pour ta solution, effectivement ca ressemble au message que j'ai. J'ai édité mon fichier voici ce qu'il me met...a ton avis cest quoi que je dois supprimer?

   <name>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB</name>
   <maxThreadsDim>1024 1024 64</maxThreadsDim>
   <maxGridSize>2147483647 65535 65535</maxGridSize>
      <name>NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB</name>
      <vendor>NVIDIA Corporation</vendor>
      <extensions>cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_copy_opts cl_nv_create_buffer cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_device_uuid cl_khr_pci_bus_info</extensions>
      <opencl_platform_version>OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 11.4.112</opencl_platform_version>
      <opencl_device_version>OpenCL 3.0 CUDA</opencl_device_version>
<warning>NVIDIA library reports 1 GPU</warning>
<warning>No ATI library found.</warning>
Nombre de messages : 500
Age : 70
Localisation : Rueil Malmaison
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2008

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Sam 13 Nov - 8:27
J'ai comparé avec mon fichier coproc chez moi.

La seule différence c'est tes pilotes Nvidia tu as du 471.  Chez moi j'en suis au 496.

Y a déjà ce point à traiter.  Installe GeForce expérience si tu ne l'as pas déjà et mets à jour tes pilotes. C'est important de faire la Maj avec l'outil Nvidia

Ensuite il y a cela qui est bizarre : 12/11/2021 13:49:50 | | cc_config.xml not found - using defaults

Tu as bien un fichier coproc_info dans le répertoire ProgramData > Boinc >   (ProgramData est un dossier fichiers cachés ... ) ?

Et qu'est ce que tu as fait comme changement si tu t'en rappelles avant que le souci apparaisse ?
Nombre de messages : 134
Age : 49
Localisation : Limoges 87
Date d'inscription : 23/03/2020

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

Sam 13 Nov - 9:23
donc si je comprends bien, il faudrait que je copie et que je colle une nouvelle fois a partir de la partie ?
Contenu sponsorisé

Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home) - Page 5 Empty Re: Collatz Conjecture (reprise de 3X+1@home)

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